BLOG: The Gollancz and Rivers of London BAME SFF Award – and Recs!

Yesterday Gollancz, the oldest SFF publisher in the UK, and Ben Aaronovitch, author of the Rivers of London series, announced the launch of the Gollancz and Rivers of London BAME SFF Award, in partnership with National Novel Writing Month and The Good Literary Agency. This is a huge and very exciting deal. Gollancz is full of … Continue reading BLOG: The Gollancz and Rivers of London BAME SFF Award – and Recs!

BLOG: Publishing Questions – Why do I need a Literary Agent?

Why do I need an agent? What do they even do? There are a lot of reasons why people might not want to explore getting a literary agent. For some, it's just another gatekeeper to getting their writing to a publisher, another hoop to jump through which can seem exhausting and unnecessary. For others, the … Continue reading BLOG: Publishing Questions – Why do I need a Literary Agent?